Monday, February 21, 2011

Sleeping Like a Baby

Maybe you saw my post from Valentine's Day...maybe you didn't.  Our new Tempurpedic mattress was delivered that evening and it's been heaven ever since!

Why do we love it?

1.  It's a whole 12" inches wider and 4" longer than our old queen...therefore, at 6'10" Justin has two extra inches of matress before his feet fall off the end!

2.  With the extra width, I no longer find myself waking up with half my body draped over Justin.  After the first night, he commented on how I didn't cuddle him that night.  Who said I was ever cuddling him?!

3.  I no longer "roll" into Justin.  On the rare occassion that I would try to stay on "my side," I would still wake up in Justin's culvert.  He weighs almost twice as much as I do and the poor spring matress just didn't cooperate with me.  Thank god for memory foam!

4.  The animals love it.  Yes, the dog sleeps with us.  And the cat?  He comes in during the middle of the night and hops in the bed as well.  Both of them can really put on the dead weight.  I have no clue how many times I would wake up to them hogging the bed but they felt like they weighed 30 pounds when I'd try to move them!  Now they can find their own spots and nobody touches each other--it's awesome!

5.  I've been sleeping like a baby this past week.  I have only woken up once in the middle of the night, just to fall right back asleep.  I'm out cold.  Justin is out cold.  We don't even hear the live band up the street once our heads hit the pillow!

5.  The best part--it gives me an opportunity to "redecorate."  What a Marcene thing to do!  My grandma was notorious for finding reasons to redecorate/buy furniture and I think I have a bit of that myself...but hey, it was Justin's idea to get a new bed so I blame him!

After many weeks of searching, we found the perfect bed and ordered it...I just can't wait until it arrives!  We're foregoing the modern bedding in favor of some hippy-modern floral duvet cover we bought with our Christmas money...bear with me, but I think it will be a cool combination when all said and done!  Now time to brighten up the curtains, find a cheap night stand of the proper proportion and we'll be good to go :-)

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