The landlord's only child--his daughter--took over ownership and soon moved in her ex-husband to join herself & her teenage daughter. The family was friendly enough and minded their own business...but to put it nicely, they weren't too eager about property maintenance.
We lived there just 1 month shy of two years...when we were house-hunting, something came up about furnace maintenance. Maybe it was during the house tour where the owner had written, "Dante's InFURNACE" in black magic marker along the side of their heater! Hahahahhahahahah! Anyhow, we learned that you're supposed to have your furnace/AC inspected annually and furnace filters are changed every few months.
I'm not kidding, but days later, the ex-husband came over with a furnace filter--it was the first time it had been changed since before we moved in!!! And nobody had ever come to look at the heating or air units. Way to ruin a good furnace, buddy. We were so annoyed by this that we promised ourselves to never do this ourselves!
This past weekend, we crawled into the attic to see who installed our furnace...even thought it's only 1 year old, we figured we better stick with tradition and getter the baby inspected. After all, we've been trying really hard to remember it for the past 7 months! The Heating & AC guy came by this afternoon and everything is working properly...he tested the furnace and within seconds the house was blazing hot.
He also got us signed up with the company's Priority Customer program...there was no additional cost, but they'll call us to schedule each bi-annual maintenance appointment (totally awesome, b/c I'd never remember to!), they guarantee same day response for any repairs, no overtime fees are charged if something happens after hours and we receive 10% off all repairs and supplies. The 10% isn't a whole lot but it pretty much covers your sales tax--every little bit helps :-)
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