*Earlier this morning at school, one of our Special Needs students was walking down the hallway and upon seeing me, shouted "Oh my God!!!" and took off running in the other direction. Ummmm, I'm not sure what I did but apparently I freaked her out. They called the Vice Principal in case she was having a bad day but once again, I seemed to be the problem!
*Justin went to meet with the Bubble Wash owner b/c their machines scratched the CRAP out of his truck last weekend...I mean 15" long, down-to-the-primer scratches all over his truck and it even took out chunks of paint on the roof. They're claiming their machines had nothing to do with it. Really??? B/c it wasn't scratched before we entered the carwash and it threw us off the tracks with the components rubbing his truck...guess we won't be doing business there anymore.
*Today we talked about Alcohol in Life Skills...one of the teacher's brought up the recent case of Brad Murray. We had just hung out with Brad a few weeks ago so it was devastating to hear the news last Friday...and even more gut-wrenching when we lost him Tuesday evening. If you're not familiar with the case, check out http://www.themercury.com/news/ and watch the video. Anyhow, I realize I did some very, very, VERY stupid things during my partying days--but why did this have to happen to Brad? Please say a prayer for Brad's soul, his family, girlfriend and friends as they go through such a difficult time...Since the teacher brought it up, I used it as an opportunit

*My Friday afternoon has me in a classroom that is a bit "rambuctious," to put it lightly. The teacher gave me a heads' up that ALL three classes at this school had been out of control ALL week long. Sweet, just what I wanted to hear! But surprisingly enough, they were on the best behavior of the entire semester :-)
*Since it's nice out, I walked to Ray's for a few supper items. I came out and couldn't find my car in the parking lot--for Pete's sake, it's a small parking lot! And then I realized I walked there--yes, it has been one of those days.
*While walking home, I had somebody pull up in their car to tell me they thought I was really pretty....and that they just wanted me to know. Talk about weird and creepy...But not as creepy when 1/2 a block later I had someone ask to touch my hair. I totally had an Uncle Jesse from "Full House" moment and really, really did not want them touching it!
*Finally, I came home and had an attorney call to say they're sending me a subpoena for a Nov 5. court hearing...And I totally groaned into the phone. Might not have been the most professional response but all of our families are pulling me into court! I hate testifying because I continue to see them around town after court is finished. Yes, they're the ones who messed up but in their opinions, I'm just trying to make them look bad. I could spend all day talking about accountability but that can wait for a different blog! Anyhow, I now have three families with court on Oct 28, Nov 5 and Nov 12--should be a fun two weeks!
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