Monday, December 13, 2010

December 11, 12 & 13th

So much for blogging a thanks each and every day!  Good thing there aren't too many weekends left before Christmas Eve to distract me :-)

December 11:  Naps.

I took my first nap in MONTHS on Saturday!  I "slept in" about 30 minutes later than I get up during the work week, made some coffee and started in on a grant report...Justin got home later that morning from a side job and I helped him make a lunch of Fried Chicken, jalapeno potatoes and fried eggs.  After cleaning up the kitchen, we started in on other parts of the house & then it was time for the K-State/Loyola game.  Within minutes, Justin was asleep in his "thrown" and I curled up on the couch under a blanket...a few minutes after the second half started I could feel my eyes getting heavy!  I really didn't do anything that would wear me out but I still dozed off for about 20 minutes :-)  Nothing like the 2-3 hour naps I prefer but a nap is a nap...I will never complain!

December 12:  Patience.

This is something that I don't have much of...just ask Justin ;-)  There are days when I can roll with the punches...but then there are days when everyone is wasting time and moving like snails.  This latter scenario is what usually tests my patience and I'm glad I have learned to realize that.  But I am thankful for what little patience I do have because there's nothing worse than losing your cool over absolutely nothing :-)

December 13: Caffeine

Yes, I realize that may seem inappropriate to some...but caffeine has become my best friend!  On a side note, I learned NEVER to say that in front of my 6th Graders because they LOVE pointing out that caffeine can be bad for a person ;-)  Anyhow, back to the subject at hand--there's times I can't get through the day without it and today was one of those days.  Last night, I was still wide awake at 11:30pm for no reason at all.  I must say, the morning wasn't as bad as I thought it would be but it wasn't easy either.  Things went pretty well until my coffee wore off around 12pm and I hit rock bottom...but guess I'll just have to go to bed early tonight to make up for everything!

1 comment:

  1. I, too, am extremely thankful for caffeine, patience, and naps (or at least the thought of naps) - in that order. :) It's a continual-caffeine day for me!
