Wednesday, July 27, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 4

After yesterday's detour, we're back on track with the 30-Day Challenge.  Today makes Day 4 and I get to write about my parents!

My parents...oh, my poor parents.  After 28 years, they still like me :-)

I wasn't always the easiest kid.  I refused to talk until I was almost 5 years old.  Instead, I would just point and scream at things.  I had the full ability to speak and communicate my wants and needs, but I just chose not to.  For me, it was more fun to point and scream.  My poor parents.

Per my memory, my grade school years were fairly easy.  Mom shuttled me to and from piano lessons, gymnastics, 4-H meetings, sleep name it and Mom was running me all over the place.

Then puberty rolled around.  I remember one summer in particular I was a holy terror.  I'm pretty sure my level of communication was not much different from when I was 4 years old.  Mom or Dad would tell me to do something and I would just point and scream at them in response.  Dad was almost always away from the house so it left poor Mom dealing with my hormonal rages all by herself.

Things finally calmed down during high school and college but there were times I probably worried my parents to death.  You mean, coming home at 8am on a Sunday morning is not appropriate?  To a 20-year-old, it was no biggie.  After all, I knew where I was at so why did they care???

My parents put up with a lot over the years.  I'm more than thankful that they put their foot down on things and enforced rules/consequences that I absolutely despised.  They always say that when your kid tells you they hate you, it's a sign you're doing something right.  Thanks to their parenting, I turned out to be a productive member of society!

As an adult, parents are fun.  They're more like a friend and you would never consider sassing them or being defiant.  You look forward to seeing them when you can and cherish all the time together.  They're also a wealth of advice and you find you rely on them to help guide you through a tough decision.  And lucky for my parents, there's now a husband in the picture who gets to deal with all my hormone rages :-)

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